Nissan hits the the X-Trail FCV

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What's this? A Nissan-at-the-Nürburgring story that doesn't involve the mighty GT-R? Well, knock us over with a feather. We're accustomed by now of hearing about the GT-R's Nordschleife heroics, so when we saw a Nissan release touting a time of 11 minutes, 58 seconds, we thought, "Huh?" Then we saw that the vehicle recording the time was none other than the new X-Trail FCV. The 11:58 run is a record for a fuel cell vehicle on the graffitti-strewn Green Hell. Of course, it's also the only time a FCV has tackled the legendary circuit, so let's not go all crazy with the champagne just yet. Driver Frank Eickholt says that if the track had been dry, he likely would have recorded a substantially faster time -- perhaps by as much as 40 seconds. In any case, Honda, you now have a target to beat with your FCX Clarity. And GM, you're out on the 'Ring enough as is -- get Heinricy into a Fuel Cell Equinox and see what he can wring out of it. After all, it's not a real record until there's a little competition!

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[Source: Nissan]

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