Downer of the Day: Chevy Beat not coming to U.S.

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We called the apparent decision by the General to bring the Beat to the U.S. a "no brainer". Unfortunately, that premature news wasn't quite based in fact, as the cool little mini-car will not be coming to American shores. Too bad, 'cause our commeners definitely agreed that the Beat would fit perfectly into Chevrolet's American lineup now that gas prices have risen to the point that they are significantly impacting the new car buying decisions by much of the U.S. population. It seems that fuel's meteoric rise didn't come soon enough for GM to engineer the Beat to meet U.S. safety or crash standards.

We have hopes that the next-generation of GM's minicar will be engineered with the U.S. market in mind. Raging successes like the Mini Cooper and, so far at least, the smart brand, have shown that a premium small car with an emphasis on fuel mileage and distinctive styling can do well, even with our exceedingly fickle buying public.

[Source: GM via Autoblog]

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