Environmental organisations team up to reduce CO2 emissions

Friends of the Earth, Ecologistas en Acción, Greenpeace, Jóvenes Verdes and WWF/Adena have launched an online campaign demanding a drastic reduction of CO2 emission limits in Europe. The EU is set to establish limits next fall and these associations are lobbying in for stricter ones. According to figures managed by these organizations, 70 percent of all oil used in Europe is used for transport and, among this, 50 percent is used for cars and light freight transport. The statement by these organizations also says that the moment is now, because of high oil prices and because transport is offsetting progress made by other sectors to curb global emissions.

The proposal includes average car emissions for 2012 in the 120 g/km of CO2 limit, but 80 g/km by 2020 and 60 g/km by 2025. These levels should not take in consideration the car's weight and should be achieved by additional and not substitute innovations (like adding plug-in capabilities to all hybrids).

[Source: Ecologistas en Acción]

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