VIDEO: Mercedes-Benz SL65 AMG Black at full-tilt boogie

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The SL65 AMG Black, in this Autoblogger's opinion, is everything the SLR should have been -- intimidating, mean, nasty, and fast. Granted, the butterfly-doored SLR had the last base covered, but compared to this latest Black Series ride, it looks cute and cuddly. Mercedes has now released a trio of official videos of the SL65 AMG Black, one of which features the new supercar doing its business on-track, making splendid noises all the while. Looks like Team Autoblog will be picking up a couple of extra Powerball tix this afternoon, since we have a new toy sitting atop the fantasy shopping list, but currently lack the greenbacks to even get ourselves on the waiting list. It's times like this when we wish we'd gotten into hedge funds...

Follow the jump for three fresh videos.

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