Book 'em: Mitsubishi i MiEV dons police uniform

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The fuzz in Japan's Kanagawa Prefecture are getting a new ride, and while it's certainly not going to come out as the victor in a high-speed pursuit, it should handle lighter duties just fine. The car, as you can see above, is a Mitsubishi i MiEV, and the delivery of the unit to the police department for testing appears to mark the first such use of an i MiEV by a Japanese organization other than a power company. Kanagawa Five-O will evaluate the car through March of 2009, and Mitsubishi will regularly collect test data for further analysis. Now, what would be really awesome is if you could divert power from the battery to a set of integrated tasers. They may be superfluous, though, as criminals will likely just surrender to the car's cuteness.

[Source: Mitsubishi]

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