Scion celebrates its 5th anniversary


With so many automakers celebrating big landmark anniversaries, Scion's fifth could easily be passed over as insignificant. But in five years of business, as The Car Connection's Paul Eisenstein notes, Scion has managed to do what few others could, both capturing the young demographic (the average age of a Scion buyer is 31) and attract customers new to the brand (72% of Scion buyers are new to Toyota altogether).

That's no mean feat for a brand that started in June 2003 with just two models and a handful of dealerships in California. Since then, the Scion line-up has expanded, as has its dealer base, with the vast majority (982 out of 1231) of Toyota dealers in the United States also selling Scions. The big question remains over whether Scion will last another five years to double-digits, or fade away as the brand loses the plot.

[Source: The Car Connection]

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