Spreading green on your bicycle

Click above for more images of the Bloom Attachment

Have a desire to spread more than just good will the next time you're out on your bike? Consider the Bloom attachment for your two-wheeled conveyance of choice. While it may look like an odd exhaust pipe hanging off the back of your engine-less bicycle, it's actually a way to seed the city as you ride. That's right, the Bloom gets filled with some soapy water (see, it's clean!) and some seeds, and as you ride, the incoming rush of air powers a "bubble pinwheel" which dispenses the seed-filled bubbles everywhere you go.

Blowing bubbles not your thing? That's all right, there are plenty more interesting pedal-powered designs for your perusal over at Design 21. In fact, the Bloom attachment didn't manage to make it past the finals. We don't want to spoil the entire competition for you, so head on over to Design 21 to see the three winning designs.

[Source: Design 21 via Gizmodo]

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