New Mexico governor fills up a biodiesel dragster

Over the Memorial Day weekend, the governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson, stood next to the Cummins-Blue Sun Biodiesel dragster and filled 'er up with biodiesel (B20). The event was held at the Nambe Falls Travel Center and marked the opening of the third fueling station in New Mexico to offer ethanol in E10 and E85 proportions and biodiesel (as B5 and B20). Other biofuel-capable vehicles were on hand for the PR event that aimed to raise awareness among local residents that biofuels are here and available. Herbert Yates, the CEO of the Nambe Pueblo Development Corporation, the group that owns the Center, said in a statement that there is plenty of biofuel at the ready: "Whether you need 5 gallons or 5,000 gallons, the Nambe Falls Travel Center can help." Not sure who's gonna be filling up with quite that much fuel, but if that's what you need, now you know where to go.
[Source: Blue Sun Biodiesel]

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