Bravo Motor Company shows Nach One 2.0 concept

Click above for more pictures of the Nach One 2.0

There are plenty of ways to improve the efficiency of a given vehicle, many of which don't involve modifying the engine in any way. Aerodynamics and rolling resistance can offer huge gains as does reducing the weight of the vehicle. This is the route taken by a new company in Argentina known as Bravo Motor Company. After creating its first concept vehicle, the Nach One, last year, Miguel Angel Bravo is now showing off version 2.0. Argentina Auto Blog (no relation) got the scoop on the new vehicle, which is to be powered by a one-hundred horsepower engine as standard with a one-hundred-fifty horsepower version optional. The engine is located at the rear of the vehicle. Weight is kept low by using plastic components, namely bodywork of polyethylene along with translucent polycarbonate for the clear dome overhead. Normal laminated glass will be used for the windshield, though. This is an interesting concept to be sure, and we'll try to keep an eye on it in case of any further developments. Check out the video pasted after the break. Thanks for the tip, Carlos!

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[Source: Argentina Auto Blog]


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