Biodiesel protest in Princess Anne, MD after fatal plant explosion

Back in 2006, the Baltimore Biodiesel LLC announced it would build a biodiesel plant in Princess Anne, Maryland. Things moved forward, the plant opened in November 2007, and we didn't hear much about this plant until an explosion there killed one and injured another earlier this month. Now, local residents are kind of peeved about what the plant has brought to the community. They expressed their outrage during a special community meeting of the Princess Anne Town Commissioners yesterday and said they want the plant moved. That doesn't seem likely at this point, and the president of the Commission said people should have spoken up earlier - had that happened, the plant might not have been built so close to homes. When the explosion happened, the local newspaper reported, it "rattling windows and dishes in the community of several hundred homes and farther across the small town of close to 3,000 residents." Other communities might want to take note.
[Source: The Daily Times]

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