VIDEO: ReD DynaMix innovates with Segway

Perhaps it has something to do with the freezing temperatures and living in igloos for 8 months of the year but the Canadians who have gathered themselves under the moniker of ReD DynaMix really have a thing for Segway hacking. Being the distributors for the two-wheeled gyromatic gives them the access and perhaps the strong Canadian ale solitude of winter supplies the inspiration to create their eccentric, yet somehow brilliant, prototypes.

Take the Segway lawnmower for instance. It's an elegant example of a cross between the old-fashioned, not-going-to-wake-up-the- neighbors-early-Sunday-morning, push-powered mower mated to the practically silent newfangled electric two-wheeler. Now your lawn mowing can be fun, quiet and easy as well as gas-free.

Exhibit number two goes by the name of the Greek God, ZEUS. Why? We have no idea but it looks like a great way to take advantage of the mythical Segway powers and not even have to make the effort of standing up. The perfect thing for racing about your igloo chasing your pet seal or keeping a low profile whilst humming along the freezing streets of Winnipeg. Check out all the crazy Segway hacking action after the jump.

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[Source: YouTube]

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