Blue Sun Biodiesel moves headquarters to LEED certified building

Blue Sun Biodiesel recently moved its company headquarters to a new building, one that is LEED Platinum Certified and one of just 26 so-certified buildings in the world and the first one in Colorado. LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmentalism Design. On average, LEED certified buildings reduce CO2 emissions by 35 percent. According to Mike Miller, Blue Sun's president and COO, "Blue Sun Biodiesel is working to reduce their carbon output at all stages through careful management of processes. It's important to be committed to the core principles of your business in every way. Blue Sun Biodiesel recognizes that everything we do, including the office in which we work, should say something about the quality of products we offer and our industry-leading principles." He's right, of course, and considering the fact that many biodiesel users choose the biofuel over petroleum-based diesel fuel, the certification of Blue Sun's headquarters could be both a marketing coup and a real reason to choose this particular brand over another. Read the full press release after the break.
Press Release:

Blue Sun Now Supported by the Greenest Building in the World

GOLDEN, Colo., May 2 – Blue Sun Biodiesel now leads all energy companies in end-to-end commitment to carbon reduction and is the first energy company headquartered in a LEED Platinum certified office building. There are only 26 Platinum-certified office buildings in the world. LEED is an acronym for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.

When Blue Sun Biodiesel relocated to their new corporate headquarters they completed their commitment to sustainable business practices and reduced carbon emissions. LEED certified buildings on average cut CO2 emissions by 35%.

"We give our customers peace of mind through industry-leading production processes that deliver trust in our fuel's quality," says Blue Sun CEO, Jeff Probst, "With the decision to locate our headquarters in a sustainable building, we've shown our commitment to green business practices that give our customers peace of mind knowing their biodiesel supplier is as committed to reducing environmental pollutants as they are."

Blue Sun has independent lab results that prove their Fusion biodiesel product produces less carbon than traditional diesel fuels. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory the use of Blue Sun B20 fuel reduces carbon monoxide by 24%, hydrocarbons 29%, and nitrogen oxides 4%.

Biodiesel has a much lower carbon output than traditional fuels when used. "But that's as far as most biodiesel companies go," says Mike Miller, the company's President and COO. "Blue Sun Biodiesel is working to reduce their carbon output at all stages through careful management of processes."

"It's important to be committed to the core principles of your business in every way," says Miller, "Blue Sun Biodiesel recognizes that everything we do, including the office in which we work, should say something about the quality of products we offer and our industry-leading principles."

Blue Sun's headquarters is the first LEED Platinum office building in Colorado. LEED buildings earn credits through energy efficiencies, natural non-toxic materials and the use of natural light for temperature control.

[Source: Blue Sun Biodiesel]

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