Wagoner says Volt still on for 2010

This just in: Rick Wagoner has told reporters that the Chevy Volt is still on for a 2010 release, saying that so far, there have been no hang-ups that could potentially delay the arrival of General Motors' forthcoming Ultra Super Image Flagship -- currently in the last-gen Chevy Malibu phase of its gestation period. We'll chalk up Rick's comments as one of the "regular updates" he promised the media back in January when he tempered expectations somewhat by applying the "fluid" tag to the Volt's timeline. We assume his latest remarks mean things are proceeding nicely in Voltland, which is good, because the car that will battle the 'lectro-Chevy for the hearts, minds and greenbacks of the enviro-chic -- Prius v3.0 -- will throw down the gauntlet in the General's backyard come January. It'll be interesting to see whether GM responds to Toyota's reveal with some big new Volt-related showcase at the 2009 North American International Camaro Show. Time will tell, and we're sure many more updates are in store between now and then.

[Source: Reuters]

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