Penny-pinching Seth Green happy with his Prius purchase

Don't accuse Seth "Robot Chicken" Green of getting a Prius just because it's the trendy thing to do. At the recent Tribeca Film Festival, Green was talking to Contact Music and said he's most impressed with the way his new Prius saves him money at the pump and that he can drive alone in the carpool lane. Whatever it takes, I guess. Green doesn't even like the way it looks; he said the car was "horribly ugly. It's not an attractive car at all." Still, he ramped it up to 111 mph on the way to San Diego (o rly?) and he's happy enough that he's willing to give the world's most popular hybrid at least a few props. Purely from a tightwad perspective, of course.

Photo by RavenU. Licensed under Creative Commons license 2.0

[Source: Contact Music via Ecorazzi]

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