New images of the X-Prize entry from Motive Industries

Aspiring Automotive X-Prize competitor Motive Industries has released new images of their car. The original images were design sketches and the new shots are computer generated images. No word yet on when a prototype will actually be running, but Motive does have some interesting ideas for their plug-in hybrid. From the schematics on the Motive site, it appears they are planning a front wheel drive 2+2 with an electric motor driving those front wheels. A rear mounted engine operates as a range extender for the battery mounted under the floor of the car. Motive is working on an automated battery exchange system. If the car is equipped with a range extender it's not clear why a battery exchange system is needed, although developing such a system is probably a good long-term move toward the development of a pure battery EV. Check out more images at the Motive site.

[Source: Motive Industries]

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