Piezing dress generates electricity as the wearer walks

Feeling tired out at the end of a long day? Why not collect some of the energy that you used throughout the day by wearing a dress made from piezoelectric material? All of the joints of Amanda Parkes' Piezing dress generate power from the movement of the wearer's body. The dress keeps the electric charge stored in an on-board battery which can then be used for whatever your heart desires. Not sure how many miles you'd ever be able to drive an NEV using a week's worth of energy collection, but it'd be a fun experiment. Electricity-generating dress just not your thing? Consider one made with recycled materials... like Anna Rochester's tasty dress made from used Snickers wrappers or Karen Wilkinson's jacket which is made from used plastic shopping bags. No good? How about Stephanie Sandstrom's EPA Dress that wrinkles itself if the air quality around it is bad?
All of these very odd interesting pieces of clothing are being displayed as part of San Francisco's Exploratorium "2nd Skin: Imaginative Designs in Digital & Analog Clothing," runway fashion show. If you'd like to see these articles in person, you've got five months.

[Source: CNET via Engadget]

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