VIDEO: Trap Gear pedals the streets of The Hague


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Some things require translation – that's why online translators are our best friends in reporting the latest news from Europe – but others transcend language barriers. A good number of both come out of Holland, where the preferred mode of transportation comes with two wheels, a pair of pedals and a set of handlebars. That makes sense when you consider the wide array of impediments to driving in Amsterdam, like narrow cobblestone streets and readily available hallucinogens. Now the same people who brought us wooden shoes and international law have given us Trap Gear.

The spoof of the famous BBC program pits two beat-up old bicycles – a Fongers Majestic and a Batavus Boulevard – against each other on the streets of The Hague. It's worth a watch, even if you aren't Dutch – isn't that weird? Follow the jump to take a trip.

[Source: YouTube via]

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