How to host a biodiesel film festival

Over at the La Pena Cultural Center in Berkeley, California on Wednesday night, the people behind Berkeley's Biofuel Oasis are hosting a biodiesel film night in order to raise funds and biofuel awareness. The funds are intended for BBO's new solar powered fueling station and the awareness, well, that's just there for its own sake. One of the films, Fat of The Land, documents a 1994 trip by four women around the U.S. in a biodiesel-powered "Fat Mobile," making their fuel in fast-food restaurant parking lots. The filmmaker will be attending the festival, so if you have questions on how biodiesel was received by the general public in the mid-1990s, this could be a chance to ask. Other video entertainment on the schedule includes excerpts from Revolution Green and Freedom Fuels. There will also be an "Ask a Mechanic" booth and free homemade organic popcorn. If you've got a biodiesel co-op or other green group in your neighborhood, using the template from this event might be a good idea. Whether you want to include puppetry is up to you.
[Source: BBO]

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