eBay Find of the Day: Chicago area landmark The Spindle

As a compliment to Garth's AMC Pacer, a lucky eBay bidder with some extra cash can also snag this Chicago area landmark – The Spindle – as seen in the Wayne's World movie. The eight-car kabob is a 50-foot sculpture commissioned by Berwyn, Illinois shopping center Cermak Plaza and created by artist Dustin Shuler in 1989. It is a quirky feature loved by some, but believed to be an eyesore by many. The vehicles skewered on the stake, from the bottom up, are an unknown Mercury, Ford LTD, Ford Mustang, Mercury Capri, Ford Escort, a BMW once belonging to the shopping center owner and a VW Beatle.
It seems that the landmark has generated a lot of attention recently since Cermak Plaza is due for renovation and the sculpture is not a part of the plans. Fans have initiated a movement to save The Spindle from destruction, but so far its future is up in the air. This auction must be a method to determine whether some outside party might fork over the cash for relocation. Otherwise it looks like the cars might be headed for the junkyard.

[Source: eBay]

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