VIDEO: Six records broken at Crusty Demons Night of World Records

After a three-way jump-off between Robbie Maddison, Ryan Capes and Seth Enslow at Calder Park on March 28 in Melbourne, Australia, a new world record for the longest distance jump from ramp to ramp on a motorcycle was set at over 351 feet by Robbie Maddison. In fact, the record was beaten twice that night, with Ryan Capes briefly holding the record at 324 feet, which was two feet more than Maddison's previous record.

In other news, five other world records were set that same night:
  • Longest backflip ramp to ramp: Cameron Sinclair, existing record: 125-feet; new world record: 129 feet and 7 inches
  • Longest mini bike distance jump: Brent Brady broke the world record with a jump of 104 feet and 7 inches
  • Longest distance jump ramp to ramp by a quad motorcycle: John Guetter, existing record: 148.9 feet; the new record: 176 feet 11 inches
  • Most swords swallowed: Chayne Hultgren, existing record: 14; new world record: 17
  • Heaviest weight lifted while swallowing a sword: Cheyne Hultgren, existing record: 20.1kg; new world record: 22.4kg
Judging by the records that were broken in one night, we think the world is begging for a new category. How about longest distance jump on a motorcycle while swallowing a sword. Any takers?

Watch a video of both long distance motorcycle record jumps after the break!


The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

[Sources: Crusty Demons and Motorcycle News]

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