Beluga Skysails maiden voyage a success! With video

We have been keeping a close eye on the progress of MV Beluga Skysail for you. This hybrid Prius-of-the-sea has traveled the 11,952 nautical miles from Germany to Venezuela, the United States and Norway quite successfully. The completion of her maiden voyage marks the beginning of what the company feels is a "a new chapter in the history of commercial shipping." And with a demonstrated ability to achieve a 20 percent fuel savings, who are we to argue?

Not ones for resting upon laurels, the next phase of this pilot program is set to begin with the doubling of the size of the 160 square-meter SkySails which should result in twice the fuel and emissions savings. If that sounds ambitious consider that two additional larger ships are currently under construction that are to be equipped with 600 square-meters of sail. Arrr me mates, a re'olution be a'happenin'. Hit the jump for a little foreign language maiden voyage video action.

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The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

[Source: Skysails]

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