Sustainable development week in Paris shows how to produce hydrogen

Are you planning to go to Paris from April 1st to the 6th? If so, it'd be a good chance to visit the Palais de la Découverte, which is not only a stunning building as you can see in the above picture, but where the Week for Sustainable Development will be held. This event will include a set of hydrogen-related activities.

For instance, a couple of French universities will show how to obtain hydrogen from micro-algae, and another university will show a bacterial process that processes waste into hydrogen and something which can be translated as "bio-inspired catalyzing for hydrogen production." Last but not least, a project which obtains hydrogen from solar cells will also be shown. The activities also include discussions on how to store and use hydrogen: fuel cells, cells made from oxides, chemical storage, hybrid composite materials, gas storage, metal hydrates.

The ubiquitous BMW Hydrogen 7 will also make an appearance, as an example of the application of using hydrogen in internal combustion engines, and people will be able to ask for a ride.

[Source: Palais de la Découverte]

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