Frank Washington Charity Auction begins: bid now, bid often

We meet more and more automotive journalists in the industry with every auto show we attend, and we've noticed a definite sense of brotherhood that exists among all who get to do this insanely sweet job for a living. We appreciate those veterans who've been kind enough to befriend a little blog like ours, and we try to repay the favor when we can.
Frank Washington is not an automotive journalist we've met personally, but many of our new friends know him and were horrified to learn that he had been severely mugged while taking an early morning walk around his Detroit neighborhood in January. This past Friday, Frank underwent reconstructive surgery on his face to repair nearly all of the bones that were crushed in the attack.

Famous spy photog Brenda Priddy has gathered a few interesting items up for auction on eBay and will be donating all of the money raised to help pay for Frank's medical bills. Among the items are a series of five Dodge Challenger prototype pistol grip shifters, two original framed mid-engine Corvette sketches from 1973, a rare BMW sculpture from 1981, a $1,200 Michelin gift certificate and a five-hour Bob Bondurant high performance driving class. Please bid if you're able and interested in helping a veteran automotive journalist who finds himself in this tragic and painful situation. Thanks!

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