Mercedes reportedly working on all-electric luxury car

Not too long ago, Mercedes announced that the Mercedes-Benz S400 BlueHybrid, pictured, would be the (likely) first production hybrid that uses lithium-ion batteries. The li-ion steak may be juicier that we expected, if this post over at Benz Insider is on target. BI is saying that a source within MB's Stuttgart Research Center has revealed that Daimler AG is developing a mid- or large-size electric-powered luxury vehicle. While a plug will certainly charge the battery packs, a "small dynamo like device" in the vehicle can also provide energy to - but not fully recharge - the battery. Sounds like a range extender to us, but with a rumored battery-only range of 105 miles, who will need it? We've put in a request to Daimler for more info, because, um, I think we're pretty interested in a car like this.

[Source: Benz Insider]

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