Holy Headlights! Nissan 370Z details appear in Japanese mag

A forum member over at Fresh Alloy has posted scanned pics of the coming Nissan 370Z from a Japanese magazine, and it looks like things are going to get a lot curvier. It appears that the hood-to-fender dip on the current car remains on the new Z. However, at the front of those fenders appears a set of LED headlights unlike anything else on the road. And in one inset photo -- though we have no idea if it represents anything more substantial than fancy -- a redone front features a smaller center scoop flanked by much more aggressive fender vents.

There are some fuzzier interior shots as well, and the three gauges atop the center console look to be placed in much deeper cowls than the current car. According to Alloy moderator Jawad, the car will come with the same 3.7L V6 that debuted in the Infiniti G37 with the same horsepower and be announced in November, which probably means an LA Auto Show unveil is in the works. Thanks for the tip, Lester and Kn1ves!

[Source: Fresh Alloy, Response.jp]

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