Honda almost gay-friendly, more like gay-cordial

Most car brands that sell in the U.S. are defined as gay-friendly by the website Only five are not, and one of them is Honda. The Japanese automaker took a step towards moving into the majority recently when it decided to begin offering insurance benefits to same-sex partners at some of its U.S. operations, which include the headquarters at American Honda Motor Co. Inc., the R&D facility in Torrance, CA.; its manufacturing facility in Lincoln, AL; and Honda Power Equipment Manufacturing Inc. in Swepsonville, NC.
While this decision is a step forward for Honda, it's not a big enough step to change its status in the eyes of the editors at While the website applauds the move, a company must offer insurance benefits for same-sex couples to all of its employees before it can move onto the list of Gay Friendly carmakers. Honda, however, says it will be offering these benefits to all of its gay and lesbian employees in the next 12 to 24 months. Apparently its corporate structure is too complicated to do it all at once.

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[Source: Automotive News via]

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