AAA says accidents more costly than congestion

Automobile accidents frequently result in a large bill for the offending party. AAA wants us to know that it doesn't stop there, either. The automotive service group has released the results of a study indicating that vehicle wreckage costs the average American more each year than traffic congestion. The research was conducted by Cambridge Systematics, which drew the $1,051 yearly cost per person total from a combination of medical expenses, emergency and police services, property damage, and lost productivity. Compared to the annual congestion report issued by the Texas Transportation Institute, the price is nearly 2.5 times the $430 yearly expense one incurs due to clogged roadways. AAA's aim with the report is to direct more focus on increasing vehicle safety. It is no surprise since they are in the business of auto insurance, and if accidents are costly to anyone, it is the insurance companies.
[Source: CNN Money]

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