VIDEO: Mahalo Daily visits Conserv Fuel

We told you about Conserv Fuel in Brentwood CA a couple of weeks ago when they had a one-day sale on E85 sponsored by General Motors. The lovely and talented Veronica Belmont of Mahalo Daily headed down to SoCal for the big sale and had a chat with a rep from GM about ethanol. While the GM guy mentioned that E85 was cheaper than gasoline at Conserv Fuel (a station focusing on biofuels, although they sell gas too) he neglected to mention that engines running on E85 need to use more of the fuel to go a given distance. They do talk a bit about cellulosic ethanol toward the end. The drivers who stopped to fill up on E85 did seemed to have bought into the ethanol propoganda hook, line and sinker and seemed oblivious to any of the issues related to the biofuel.

[Source: Mahalo Daily, thanks to Conrad for the tip]

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