$4.7 million order for hybrid buses in Michigan

Lithium Technology Corporation (LTC) has announced that is going to supply about $4.7 million worth of batteries for hybrid bus application in a joint program with Kettering University and Transportation Techniques LLC (TransTeq).

These batteries will be used to develop a hybrid bus program in Flint, Michigan. While a hybrid bus already saves 15 to 20 percent fuel compared to regular buses, TransTeq's hybrid technology with LTC's batteries provide an additional improvement of 15 to 20 percent, adding up to a potential 40 percent savings. The model will also be able to run in an EV-mode only in of cities where combustion engines are not allowed (or will not be allowed in the future).

The whole project is aimed not only to provide cleaner mass transit systems but to revitalize a segment of Michigan's economy. The hybrid bus program is headed by Professor Mohamed El Sayed of Kettering University (formerly General Motors Institute). The MTA (Mass Transport Authority in Flint) will provide the vehicles and facilities for carrying out the technology demonstration. The integration and the production of vehicles will be done by TransTeq and will be based on progress milestones. At a later stage, discussions will be held between Kettering University, Michigan-based GR Investment Group (TransTeq's parent company), and LTC for the production of the batteries in the State of Michigan.

[Source: Lithium Technologies]

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