Ferrari going to Olympics with Italian team

With the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing fast approaching, the Italian Olympic Committee is looking to Ferrari for a little help. The Italian automaker will put its extensive motorsports knowledge to work in athletic equipment like canoes, sailboats and potentially bicycles. Looking forward to the 2010 Winter Olympics, bobsleds, luges, skeleton sleds and Paralympic skiis will get the prancing horse touch, as well. Particular attention will be paid towards aerodynamic improvements as the Italian teams will be granted access to Ferrari's wind tunnel for testing. No word on whether they'll be allowed in the paint shop to spray down the equipment in Ferrari's iconic red color. More extensive use of exotic materials will also be incorporated into the designs, presumably lots and lots of carbon fiber. Ferrari president Luca Cordero di Montezemolo said of the deal, "If there is even one-thousandth of Ferrari in Italian victories, we'll be honored."

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