Sorry, kids: Bertone won't be going to Geneva this year


Maybe it's the natural human inclination to root for the underdog, or maybe we just like Italian sportscars – probably the latter – but we were hoping Bertone would be able to pull its act together and by some miracle bring its BAT 11 concept to the Geneva show next week. That is turning out to be little more than wishful thinking, as prevailing reports are indicating that for the first time in over 50 years, the iconic design studio will be skipping the show altogether.

As we reported earlier, the BAT 11 was to be a revival of the classic BAT concept cars, aerodynamic design exercises that Bertone created on Alfa Romeo platforms in the '50s. The BAT 11 concept we were supposed to see in Geneva next week reportedly started life as an Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione, but until – or unless – Bertone gets its house in order, it looks like the rendering above is the most we'll see of the show car.

[Source: Car Design News via Winding Road]

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