Black Flagged Online: The Onion of NASCAR

Many of us here absolutely love The Onion. Though some of us think it was much funnier before the .com was added and when it was only available in a dead-tree version, it still routinely gets laughs out of us.

Now take that irreverent, sarcasm and point it at NASCAR. Not much challenge making fun of the often-lampooned racing series, you might say. But Black Flagged Online does it pretty well. The site features headlines like, "Mike Joy One Boogity Away From Jumping From Broadcast Booth," and "Daytona Fence Relieved with Stewart's Third Place Finish," to classified ads selling things like a 30-pack of Natural Ice with any opened cans at half price.

Also worthy of reading are readers' letters and the editors' responses. One quite-offended NASCAR fan's recent complaint got this response from the site, which we think sums up what BFO is all about:

Please keep in mind there are two things that doesn't worry about: the truth and fancy luxuries like web design. We are like drinking a cheap beer out of a brown paper bag. No frills.

Funny stuff. And please, if you, too, are offended by their humor, write them a letter so we can get even more laughs out of their response to you.

[Source: Black Flagged Online]

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