America to get high speed rail

Before you get too excited by the headline, I should clarify that by "America," I mean South America. And by "South America," I mean Argentina. An editorial in the International Railway Journal strikes an optimistic note on the surge of plans for high speed rail construction and expansion worldwide, focusing particular attention on projects in Argentina, Italy, and China. David Briginshaw, editor-in-chief of the trade publication, is confident that, "These events look set to have a profound impact on the future development of high-speed rail and give it a major boost". He also wisely notes that political considerations will be the biggest obstacle.
This issue of IRJ could easily have been announcing the opening of a high speed rail system in Florida but time and again, those potential projects were canceled . Still, don't cry for me Argentina. Studies continue to work their way through the political machinery in Canada and the United States. Who knows, maybe the February 2010 issue of the IRJ will have good train news for the U.S. One can only hope and contact one's local and federal government representatives.

[Source: International Railway Journal via]

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