Tesla Motors may go public this year

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In the near future, you may be able to jump on the Tesla Motors bandwagon without coughing up $100k in spare change to finance a Roadster. Just a few days after receiving the first production vehicle to carry the Tesla name, company chairman Elon Musk revealed that chances are high the automaker will go public before the close of 2009. The move could even occur within the year. A few factors will most likely be involved in the timing of a shift from the private sector, though. For instance, positive consumer response once the Tesla Roadster hits the streets will help entice potential shareholders. Investors will also look at company profitability, which Mr. Musk believes should arrive in 2009.

Another topic the Tesla Chairman touched on was a little development known as Blue Star. He said the project may involve teaming up with another manufacturer to bring out a high volume, low cost electric car. Hints were dropped that the partnering firm could possibly not call the United States its home base. The Roaster is built in England, so it is not far fetched to believe that the California-based business may foster an association with a European company. First and foremost though, Tesla really needs to focus on supporting its existing customers by delivering the Roadster on time before exponentially expanding.

[Source: Reuters]

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