BMW to reveal "green" concept alongside M3 convertible in Geneva

Click above to see a video of the BMW PAV in action.

While a lot of attention will be paid to BMW's M3 convertible fitted with the automaker's new dual-clutch gearbox, another vehicle set to debut in Geneva has the potential of being as important, if not more so. BMW plans to show off a new concept utilizing its Efficient Dynamics powertrain and it could be our first glimpse of the recently spied Progressive Activity Sedan.

At this point, the details about the concept are minimal, but considering BMW's penchant for unveiling near-production ready concepts with next generation drivetrains (ala X6), it's a distinct possibility. And with sales of the PAV expected to begin sometime next year, Geneva might be the first place BMW shows off its plans to assault the people-mover segment.

[Source: InsideLine]

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