REPORT: Workers in Oshawa, Ontario threaten strike against GM

Workers at the General Motors assembly plant in Oshawa, Ontario have given the automaker until this fall to confirm that additional models will be built there, or else... STRIKE! The Oshawa plant currently builds the Chevy Impala and Buick LaCrosse, and is scheduled to build the Chevy Camaro when it enters production in February of 2009, but that's it. Other rear-wheel-drive products were also promised, but because of the weak dollar and new CAFE regulations, GM is apparently rethinking whether those vehicles will be built at all.
Apparently back in 2006, the Canadian Auto Workers union agreed to concessions to reduce costs, convert to a more flexible manufacturing process and guarantee that future vehicles would be built at the plant. They're now claiming that GM wants additional concessions to secure those future vehicles, and all GM has to say is that "future products for Oshawa are in flux." According to CAW, it has until this fall to make those future product not in flux, or else the General will have another strike on its hands to deal with.

[Source: Automotive News, sub. req'd]

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