Pics (and VIDEO) Aplenty: Mazda Furai Concept

click above to view 61 high-res images of the Mazda Furai Concept

We're eagerly awaiting the moment when we get to see the Mazda Furai in person tomorrow, but until we must be satisfied with more high-res pics of the automaker's ALMS-inspired concept. Mazda just released dozens more photos of the Furai, and based on what our eyes see, it's already a Best of Show contender. Now, following the release of on-track video of the Furai (click here to view), we're that much closer to giving it the nod sight unseen. How come? The Furai is as audibly evil as it looks. Still not 787B evil, but this is close. Mazda, Autoblog wants a ride. Check out the video after the jump, you won't regret it.

[Source: AutoTau via Jalopnik]

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