Networks to reuse cooking oil for biodiesel production

Seriously: what do you do with your leftover cooking oil? Most people just pour it down the drain (not pointing any fingers, here). This is quite bad for a couple of reasons: first because it can affect waste water treatment plants and second because a potential fuel is lost. We have written a lot about how used oils can be made into car fuel before; today we have three more examples about global initiatives to raise awareness about recycling used oil.

Let's go first to Murcia, Spain. It's a region where water is scarce and the prospects of using recycled water seems very attractive. But not when it's got lots of fat in it. Therefore, the concession in charge of waste management has delivered free funnels to all households in the city of Molina de Segura which people can use with empty soda bottles. Once full, the bottles can be brought at any local grocery shop or school to be recycled.

Further north, in Scotland, in Kilmarock County, there's a project to use recycled oil for local bus transportation. The company exchanges used oil for bus tickets. A grease container has been delivered for free to all houses the bus lines serve.

Finally, Brazil is going large and has announced a network of small local biodiesel plants which would use waste oil from local restaurants and households. This network will be backed up financially by the Brazilian Society for Science Progress (SBPC). Brazil announced this project not only as something that will allow the country to produce enough biodiesel for its B2 introduction plans, but also because it is a positive social effect (involving citizens in recycling and creating local jobs). The plan is expected to be implemented next April but an experimental plant is already working in Indaiatuba (São Paulo). Biodiesel obtained with this procedure costs 40 cents per liter, compared to 90 cents for "all-new" biodiesel.

[Source: Cadena Ser, Agroinformación, Econoticias]

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