Skybus offers 10 seats for $10 on every flight but ...

Took a flight this holiday season? How much did you spend? Can you believe you can spend $10 for a flight? You can, with Skybus, a new airline that began flights in May, sells at least 10 tickets on every flight for just $10. The catch is you have to book early, checked bags will cost extra and Skybus currently only goes to and from Ohio. Low cost air lines are not a new thing but this one caught our eye because it costs so incredibly little.

Below is a Reuters video interview with the Skybus CEO and CFO. The CFO says they bought fuel-efficient planes, pilots fly efficiently and, while they hedge the costs of fuel, sooner or later the airline will pay the full cost of fuel. The efficient use of fuel is green but in the Reuters interview, the CEO says the airline lowers price so much that people take flights they would not otherwise.

That's the ironic, un-green thing about improving efficiency in transport (which we would assume reduces pollution): The cost savings may be so high that it actually increases pollution. When more people can use the transport method, even though each mile traveled is much cleaner, the net effect is not exactly eco-friendly.

[Source: Nightline]

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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