Nardelli says Chrysler in a financial jam

Chrysler Chief Executive Robert Nardelli tells a grim tale for the automaker's 2007 financial report. He has informed employees that the company is barreling towards a substantial loss this year. Bankruptcy would be imminent without $10 billion recently received from investors during the Cerberus acquisition. The company is in dire need of increased cash holdings. Nardelli hopes to sell off $1 billon in assets, composed partially of old plants and land, to generate more funds. The Chief Executive also calls for improved vehicle interiors, realistic sales forecasts, production reduction and increased use of overseas suppliers.

While the former Home Depot head was criticized at his old job for hard tactics, he has presented a friendlier side with Chrysler employees, particularly the engineers. It does not seem however, that he has warmed up to the upper management in place. Nardelli has brought in other former Home Depot executives to consult in areas of Chrysler such as HR, marketing and purchasing. This move has caused at least one veteran executive to jump ship. Time will tell if his style is just what the company needs to get back on its feet, though.

[Source: Wall Street Journal, Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty]

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