Tindo solar-powered bus makes its debut in Adelaide

Where might you go if you were the world's first solar-powered electric bus? Somehow, the Adelaide City Council has convinced Tindo, which is that bus, to make Adelaide, Australia its home. Not only is the bus powered 100 percent by solar energy (from a BP Solar-sourced photovoltaic station), but people can also ride it for free. The bus has room for 42 passengers.
The Tindo is made by Designline International, a New Zealand company. This is not a hybrid, but a fully-electric vehicle. At least, I think so. The Adelaide City Council website certainly makes it seem so, but the Designline page only talks about hybrid buses, not pure EVs. The Council claims that:

The solar electric bus and the recharging system at the Adelaide Central Bus Station represent a significant investment by the Adelaide City Council into a sustainable future for the City of Adelaide, while providing leadership in sustainable public transport options for cities around Australia.

According to the "A New Life Down Under" blog, the Tindo (which is the Kaurna name for Sun) arrived in Adelaide today and was officially launched by the Lord Mayor in Victoria Square/Tarndanyangga just before noon.
[Source: Adelaide City Council, h/t to Alex]

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