Ever see a tilting three-wheeled V-Max?

The Yamaha V-Max is pretty much a two-wheeled muscle car, and many people have had a hard time keeping them on two wheels. Solution: add another wheel? Sure, according to Tilting Motor Works. Starting with Legos before moving on to something more substantial, Bob Mighell designed a new front end for the Yamaha V-Max, one that is capable of leaning into corners but offering more grip for cornering and braking purposes. Removing the front forks and tightening eight bolts will transform your bike into a really big Piaggio MP3. Whether that is a good thing or not is up to you.

Speaking of the MP3, that and concepts such as the Yamaha Tesseract prove that people are thinking of making the single-track of the motorcycle into a dual or triple-track. If it allows people who'd like to ride the chance to do so, we're all for it.

[Source: Tilting Motor Works via Bikes In The Fast Lane]

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