Chrysler starts harvesting soy grown at proving ground for biodiesel

At Chrysler's 2008 model preview last June, executive vice-president Frank Klegon announced that the company was involved in some biodiesel research that included growing soy for fuel production. They had planted fuel crops at their Chelsea Proving Ground and also on a brown-field site in Detroit. This fall they harvested the soy grown at the Proving Ground, processed it and sent it to the NextDiesel refinery in Adrian, MI for production.

There were a number of reasons for deciding to grow soy at Chelsea. The facility has a lot of open ground among the test tracks and the thought was that planting soy in place of the grass could save on the cost of mowing. The biodiesel produced from the soy could be used to fuel the ground support vehicles at the proving ground. Chrysler provided an audio interview with Ross Good, Chrysler Senior Manager, Energy Policy and and Jason Eisenberg of NextDiesel that you can listen to here.

[Source: Chrysler]

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