Delhi Meet: 2010 Indian GP confirmed

Formula One has been on the rise in India. First came Narain Karthikeyan, the first Indian F1 driver. Then came the purchase and transformation of Spyker F1 into the Force India team, followed by a second Indian driver, Karun Chandhok, emerging onto the F1 scene. Now comes the official confirmation that India will host its own grand prix starting in 2010.
The track will be constructed 50 km east of the capital New Delhi by JPSK Sports Private Ltd, a division of Indian development company JP Associates. The confirmation comes from the office of F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone, who struck the deal with JP Associates, who together hope to develop F1 as a rival to cricket's standing as the most popular sport in the world's second most populous country.

[Source: itv-F1]

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