The Peel P50 - the one car you can drive ALL the way to work!


Thanks to my international network of secret sources, I am happy to bring to ABG readers, from the Isle of Man, none other than the true mini of minicars, the Peel P50, recently re-discovered on British TV - don't miss it. As you may not believe in the Peel P50, check out a few more snaps after the break.

Thanks to the Spitfire aircraft of World War 2, the Brits seem to have a deep affection for three-wheeled vehicles - two in the front, one in the rear. Fuel wasn't cheap after World War II ended and in the early 1960s, folks on the damp Isle of Man, where fiberglass technology had some success, came up with this vehicle: enclosed, basic transportation that was highly economical. How economical? How about 100 mi/gallon!!

The P50 was 50 cc engine powered, lightweight, and was mass produced (in the dozens), but was frankly not quite up to 21st century safety standards. On the other hand, there is something here that is interesting. Let's say we put some structure around it, perhaps a roll bar and an airbag, give it bigger tires, a bigger, quieter engine, with a top speed of say, 100 kph (62 mph). How many millions of us could get to work, to the doctor, or (in)to a friend's house in a revised P50?

[Source: Flixxy]

Courtesy of Craig Littler

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