Pics Aplenty: The full batch of official Ford Mustang Bullitt photos

click above image to view 20 high-res photos of the 2008 Ford Mustang Bullitt

Straight up, we're high-res pic whores here at Autoblog, swapping our desktop backgrounds about every 20 minutes as we handle gorgeous automotive photography in the name of blogging. Sometimes we even take a few good ones ourselves, but the hottest snaps of the moment are these new ones of the 2008 Ford Mustang Bullitt released by Ford today. Judging from your comments in our original post on the Bullitt reveal, it's clear that the vast majority of you consider the Bullitt the best expression of Mustang-ness to date. Seeing the Bullitt without all of those superfluous design elements that muck up other Mustangs is like looking straight back to 1968. You may think the new Bullitt lacks power, but you can hardly argue it's lacking in the looks department. Browse the gallery below and see for yourself.

Don't forget to check back with us tomorrow when we'll publish a First Drive of the 2008 Bullitt Mustang by Drew Phillips who was invited to drive Steve McQueen's modern muscle machine on the mean streets of San Francisco today.

[Source: Ford]

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