Mythbuster Jamie Hyneman helps develop electric Model One ATV

While four wheel all-terrain-vehicles are a great way to get around on farms and through undeveloped areas, they aren't exactly gentle on the environment. Along with potentially tearing up the ground, they tend to be loud and pollute a lot. Disregarding the first problem for the moment, Barefoot Motors has created the Model One ATV to at least the tackle the noise and emissions issues. Mythbuster Jamie Hyneman (he of the 'stache and beret) is on the advisory board working on prototype builds and product development. The company was founded by a pair of alumni from Zap!, Max Scheder-Bieschin and Melissa Brandão. Unlike their former company this one at least has a prototype for the their lithium battery-powered vehicle which you can see in the video after the jump. So far their is no info on pricing or availability.

[Source: Barefoot Motors, thanks to Domenick for the tip]

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