Man loses Ferrari and Porsche in SoCal wildfires

Though the title of this post might lead you to believe that we're mourning the loss of some guy's Ferrari Challenge Stradale and Porsche GT3 RS, we're actually celebrating the fact that he, his family and many like them are alive today despite their worldly possessions being devoured by fire. Of course, we're talking about the wildfires that have been raging across Southern California, which so far have burned 490,000 acres of land and created thousands of homeless people this week. Thankfully the fires are coming under control and Qualcomm Stadium, which sheltered some 10,000 people as an evacuation center at the peak of the wild fires, will be closing today.

The sight of a Porsche GT3 RS torched by Mother Nature isn't news by itself, but the incredible amount of compassion displayed on this forum thread for the owner and his family is. These are true prancing horse fans, and we were amazed that few if any mentioned the Challenge Stradale, which reportedly melted, when expressing their concern and happiness that the owner and his family are alright. Ferraris and Porsches can be replaced, after all.

To learn which automakers have pledged support for wildfire relief and how much, visit our earlier post that we've been updating throughout the day. If you're interested in donating time or money to the effort, visit the American Red Cross.

[Source: via egmcartech]

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