Robert Redford is a hypocrite but still damn cool

In an interview with Playboy Magazine, actor and all-around cool guy Robert Redford says he drives a hybrid but - guilty pleasure alert - he enjoys speedy sports cars. Robert admits that's hypocritical but I think we are all still shocked and upset to find out Playboy actually has articles. Here are the quotes.
"I drive hybrid cars. I've had passive solar heating and wind generation in my Utah home since 1975. But I must say, I do like racing fast cars. It's a hypocritical, weak move on my part. But I've always loved speed."

"I love finding a good stretch of road and cutting loose in my Porsche. That's all I want to say about that."

Just kidding about that articles thing. If Hef knows anything, he knows words.

[Source: Contact Music]

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