Oh, Yeah: Ferrari trying to trademark 'GT California'

Ferris Bueller fans will have something to twist and shout about this January as Ferrari's F430-based GT California is expected to debut at the Detroit Auto Show. An astute World Car Fans reader found further evidence to support the suspicion at the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office's website. There it was discovered that Ferrari had applied for a trademark patent on the words "Ferrari GT California" back in December of 2006. It was then noticed by the site Motor Authority that the application had been denied on a preliminary basis. Ruh-roh. While no reason for the refusal was cited, MA speculates that it may have something to do with the similarly named Ford Mustang GT California Special model. While it's clear (at least to us) that these two names are using the words "GT California" in different ways, the USPTO may be looking for some more evidence that Ford doesn't already have a lock on "GT California". Hopefully the matter has been cleared up or will be by New Year's, as we've become impatient for a new Ferrari to hopelessly want but never own.

[Source: World Car Fans, Motor Authority]

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